The Most Important Records Management Takeaway from Last Year
Wed, Feb 03, 2016
By: Jim Beran

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: The world has gone digital!
Whether or not we try to resist it, the digital world is here to stay, and it's only evolving. If you’re wondering how this correlates to your records management plan, let me ask you, how many hours a day do you work at a computer? Where do you keep a large portion of your business documents? Without fully realizing it, your company is most likely already operating heavily on a digital level. So, what is the biggest records management takeaway from last year?
Adapting to digital records management processes
Trends aren’t strictly meant for the fashion industry or social media. Just look at the changing dynamics of data and information management today.
The amount of data produced daily is growing at an exponential rate. In 2014 alone, there were over 4 million Google search queries a minute, and today an estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced a day. And how is this type of data recorded? Your computer's hard drive.
A hard drive can save old emails, passwords, excel files, letters, invoices, billing information, credit card numbers and other sensitive material. When your office begins adopting electronic processes for conducing business, it’s important to have an electronic media destruction process in place. In the electronic world, there are a several options to choose from such as overwriting, degaussing, and hard drive shredding.
Often, a records manager is responsible for wearing multiple hats and it can be difficult navigating through the overload of information. When it comes to destroying and disposing information collected electronically, it's important not to neglect the details. Media destruction is just as essential as any physical document shredding, and must by carried out properly to ensure compliance and safeguard your business.
So, what's next? We're here to help you get more familiar with any changes happening in the information destruction industry. To see first hand all that involves hard drive shredding, see our latest video on the topic. To learn more about information destruction, let us find what fits you and your records management needs.