RIM Services for Companies of All Sizes
Fri, Feb 25, 2022
By: Jim Beran

Using a company for RIM services significantly decreases the risk of losing important information. You not only know where all of your business records are but they are also kept safe from prying eyes. And, when combined with a retention schedule, your business records won't ever take over digital or physical storage.
If you are feeling as though you can't weed through business information fast enough, especially without letting something fall through the cracks, contact Gilmore to set up a records information management system, become more organized, and safeguard your business's records.
What is RIM?
Every day, we are bombarded by information at work and home. That information comes to us via email, the internet, social media, regular mail, fax and other methods. Our personal computers, phones, tablets and other devices make staying connected and working digitally very easy.
What isn't easy is managing all of that information. While you might think you are the best person to manage your email, when it comes right down to it, when is a busy company owner, executive or employee going to find time to go through 200 emails?
Records information management, or RIM, manages all of this information for you. Gilmore's records information management policy keeps all information stored safely and uses a retention schedule to purge documents and digital files when their time is up.
We pull the records you no longer need – based on the retention schedule – and are able to shred them. We can even shred digital records by shredding old hard drives, USB drives, CDs, DVDs, and other digital media storage to keep your business information safe and manageable.
Records Information Management Process
Storing records on-site isn't always the best. A breach could cost you thousands of dollars. Gilmore's records information management service not only protects your documents from prying eyes but it also keeps them safe in the event of a natural disaster.
Our techs go through extensive records information management training so that they know how to keep your information safe and secure. And they know how to ensure that you can find what you need when you need it.
Part of our process is scanning everything into document images so that you can access any document in any file at any time. No more looking through paper files or having to take a trip to an off-site storage facility to get an old file. Just enter the appropriate keywords to find the file you are looking for, and you'll have it at your fingertips in seconds.
Contact Gilmore
When you need help creating, securing, storing, using, distributing, accessing, and retrieving your company's information, you don't want to waste a ton of time looking for a file. And you definitely do not want to pay the fines if those files somehow get into the wrong person's hands.
The company you choose for your records information management process should be NAID certified. Gilmore's experienced RIM techs provide safe record keeping for your business and client information. We make it easy to find and access any document in any file.
Contact Gilmore today to discuss your company's records management needs, including creating a retention schedule and storing documents off-site to keep them safe.