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Information on document storage, imaging services, shredding and more.

Data Destruction vs Data Retention?

Data Destruction vs Data Retention?

Dealing with your company’s valuable data requires care and attention. It’s your responsibility to safeguard your clients’ privacy and adhere to any regulations that apply to the storage and destruction of the data you collect.

What to Expect from Professional Document Management Services

What to Expect from Professional Document Management Services

Properly indexing, storing, and destroying documents according to regulations can be a time-consuming task. Many companies struggle to keep up, and yet, the cost of improperly storing and destroying documents can be astronomical.

Do You Have a Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan?

Do You Have a Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan?

Every small business owner knows that keeping track of essential documents is a must. In the event of a disaster, your ability to access those documents can help you stay in business even if you can’t get to your office.

How to Eliminate Costly Errors with Records and Information Management

How to Eliminate Costly Errors with Records and Information Management

Records and Information Management, or RIM as we call it, is an essential part of keeping your valuable business records and data secure. It’s not uncommon for companies to make mistakes when managing their records due to carelessness or inexperience.

Security Errors and Hard Drive Destruction Mistakes

Security Errors and Hard Drive Destruction Mistakes

Regardless of your industry, data breaches are a serious threat. Your data (and data you store on behalf of your clients) is vulnerable to attack. It’s your job to do whatever you can to protect it.

5 Facts About In-House vs Outsourced Document Shredding Services

5 Facts About In-House vs Outsourced Document Shredding Services

All businesses create documents to record customer and client interactions and maintain employee records. While it’s important to store those documents for some time, both government regulations and personal preferences may make it necessary to destroy them.

Your Guide to Document and Media Destruction for Your Office and Home

Your Guide to Document and Media Destruction for Your Office and Home

All good things must come to an end, and business information is no exception.

Even if destroying physical and electronic information isn’t at the top of your priority list, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Destruction is a crucial part of the information lifecycle, which protects against fraud, identity theft and ensures security of business and client interests.

Your Survival Guide to Document Storage Compliance in 2018

Your Survival Guide to Document Storage Compliance in 2018

Whether your files are in unorganized disarray — crammed into the storage closet for “safekeeping” —  or you actually face the threat of legal penalties, there’s no better time than now to do some document housekeeping. The new year is around the corner, so why not make document storage and compliance your company’s 2018 resolution?

3 Reasons to Work With a Local Shredding Company

3 Reasons to Work With a Local Shredding Company

Why partner with a shredding company when you can just buy a shredder yourself? I mean, document destruction is as easy as grabbing some files, putting them through the shredder and calling it day, right? Well, not exactly.

Pensacola Office Move: Top 3 Expert Moving Tips

Pensacola Office Move: Top 3 Expert Moving Tips

So you need to move your office but don’t know where to start. No problem! That’s where I come in — I am the moving boxes you need for your next office move. Moving is often a painstaking and time consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be.

I’ve got a few tips to streamline your Pensacola move and make the process as painless as possible for you (and me).

How to Emotionally Prepare for a Pensacola Move - Expert Tips to Save Time and Manage Stress

How to Emotionally Prepare for a Pensacola Move - Expert Tips to Save Time and Manage Stress

As most of us know from first-hand experience, moving can be one of the most stressful experiences in life. In fact, moving is high on the list of stressors next to divorce, death of a loved one and job loss. There are many reasons we move to a new home, like a new job, a nicer or bigger home to be closer to loved ones, or even out of necessity from a natural disaster. Whether you’re moving across town or across country, the anticipation of planning, packing, and the disruption of your routine is enough to make anyone feel stressed.

Are Your Business Records in Danger? Pros and Cons of DIY Document Storage

Are Your Business Records in Danger? Pros and Cons of DIY Document Storage

As your business grows, a filing cabinet is often not enough to contain all of your important records. Threats like theft, prying eyes and environmental dangers like mold or water damage can seriously harm your important documents and put your business at risk.

Packing a storeroom with boxes or renting a storage unit may seem like an easy fix, but is it the best way to keep your important records, and business, safe?  

Do You Have A Disaster Recovery Plan In Place For Your Business?

Do You Have A Disaster Recovery Plan In Place For Your Business?

When it comes to the safety of business documents you should hope for the best but plan for the worst. This is especially true if you live in an area prone to natural disasters. A backup plan is a must to protect documents and avoid compromising sensitive information.

Why Is Document Storage And Retention Scheduling Necessary?

Why Is Document Storage And Retention Scheduling Necessary?


For some, document management might seem like a luxury and not a need. You might wonder the reason for seeking records management services when organizing, storing and disposing of documents could take place in-house. To answer this question, business owners don’t have to look much farther than a colleague's cluttered storage closet, or, even worse, their own disarray of boxes and loose papers.  

3 Surprising (But True) Facts About Document Storage Services

3 Surprising (But True) Facts About Document Storage Services

Document storage might not be the most exciting part of your job as an office manager, but that doesn’t mean it’s not vital to your company’s operations. Privacy, security, and compliance are all at stake when you decide where and how to store company documents.

How to Adhere to HIPAA Laws the Right Way

How to Adhere to HIPAA Laws the Right Way

The adoption of computer and mobile technology has revolutionized the delivery of medical care over the last two decades. While new technology helps caregivers and medical administrators operate more efficiently than ever before, it also increases security and privacy risks.

4 Ways to Declutter and Prepare for Your Move to Smaller Office

4 Ways to Declutter and Prepare for Your Move to Smaller Office

As a business owner or facility manager, you probably associate the concept of “bigger and better” with the idea of moving your business to a new location. But sometimes, even for companies that are doing just fine financially, opting for a smaller location offers even more benefits as far as streamlining, simplifying, and cutting operating costs.

3 Major DIY Pensacola Moving Mistakes to Avoid this Season

3 Major DIY Pensacola Moving Mistakes to Avoid this Season

Whether you’re moving into your family’s dream home, downsizing, or relocating your growing business, across the country or just across town, moving is both exciting and stressful. With the right preparation and professional help, it can be a wonderful experience. But some common mishaps can make an already difficult experience even worse.

Ensure FACTA Compliance with Document Destruction

Ensure FACTA Compliance with Document Destruction

As a small business owner or office manager, you take security seriously. Following a retention schedule and destroying documents when the time is right are just two ways you can protect your business and your customers from identity theft and other crimes. But, these steps are also critical to remaining compliant with federal, state, and local laws.

Why You Need to Work Document Storage Into Your Q3 Business Plan

Why You Need to Work Document Storage Into Your Q3 Business Plan

Believe it or not, the third quarter is around the corner. As a business owner or manager, now’s the time to finalize your business plan for the quarter so you can work toward meeting your financial goals in the second half of the year. That could mean ramping up your marketing efforts, making any necessary cuts, or increasing process efficiency.

The Easiest Way to Get Started with a Records Retention Schedule

The Easiest Way to Get Started with a Records Retention Schedule

When it comes to office organization and processes, sometimes it’s smarter to trust the experts. Sure, you could handle your own document storage and compliance responsibilities, but it’s often inefficient and, ultimately, costly.