4 Ways to Make Business Records Management Work for You
Running a small business is similar to riding a roller coaster: you paid to get on, and you have a good idea of what to expect, but the ups and downs can still keep you on your toes.
4 Ways to Make Business Records Management Work for You
Running a small business is similar to riding a roller coaster: you paid to get on, and you have a good idea of what to expect, but the ups and downs can still keep you on your toes.
By: Jacob Gilmore
The Future of Document Destruction
Some people have many reservations about the future. For others, the future represents potential for positive things to unfold. When we’re looking at the future of document destruction, advancements in technology and standards for record keeping can make it something to be both excited and also cautious about. Are you prepared for the future of document destruction?
By: Jim Beran
When "Once In A Blue Moon" Really Happens
By: Jim Beran
What a Kindergartner Could Teach You About Records Management
Ever since it was originally released in 1988, the book "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten", by Robert Fulghum has been a modern-day classic. One of the reasons it’s touched so many people is that the simple life lessons he describes as being first taught in Kindergarten have such far-reaching effects in our everyday adult lives.
By: Jim Beran
Peak Moving Season is Here: Are You Prepared for Your Household Move?
Summertime is nearly upon us. The weather is warm, the kids are soon out of school, and many people are feeling the itch to embark on spring cleaning and a fresh start. As the weather warms up, peak moving season is also in full swing.
By: Jim Beran
Is Improper Document Shredding the Slow Death of Your Business?
Anyone can buy a desk-size paper shredder for a reasonable price. So how could it mean the death of your business to handle document shredding on your own?
By: Jacob Gilmore
Secure Document Storage by the Numbers
When considering secure document storage, secure shredding, and retention scheduling, many business owners are shocked to discover just how big of an impact these services can have on their bottom line.
By: Jim Beran
What to Look for in a Reputable Pensacola Moving Company
By: Jacob Gilmore
How Vigilant is Your Business Against Identity Theft?
Studies show that identity theft is on the rise. It was the single most common consumer complaint in the United States in 2014 with tens of millions of people affected.
By: Jim Beran
How Records Storage Can Help You Sell Your Small Business
If you're considering selling your business in the future, now is the time to start getting things ready so the sale goes as smoothly, and profitably, as possible.
By: Jacob Gilmore
5 Questions to Ask Your Document Scanning Partner
Taking on the role of preserving and cataloging your business records is no small matter. There are legal, ethical, and practical issues that could arise if something goes wrong. At the same time, choosing the right document imaging services can provide tremendous relief and peace of mind.
By: Jim Beran
Planning for Your Long Distance Move the Right Way
Everyone knows that moving is stressful. There are a million things to worry about, details that need your attention, decisions to make and things that can go wrong. Plus, the physical labor shouldn't be underestimated. It's hard work.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Is Your Medical Practice Losing Important Space to In-house Storage?
Space is at a premium in every busy medical office. Every examining room represents another patient that can be seen, and another seat open in the waiting room. At the same time, relocating to a larger office space can be costly and inconvenient. Often, a smart practice manager will be looking for every opportunity to economize space and make the most of the room they have.
By: Jim Beran
Law Firms: Avoid Identity Theft With Document Storage
Just the thought of identity theft is enough to send shivers up the spine of the average person, but it's even scarier if you're a business owner entrusted with your clients' private information. As a business designed to legally protect clients, a law firm should be especially concerned about protecting the identity of its clients.
By: Jim Beran
How to Clear Those Hard Copies Off Your Desk for Good
If you've ever sat down at your desk and had a hard time finding the mouse for your computer, or the computer itself, you're suffering from a common problem: Paper Overload. With the average office worker using 10,000 sheets of copy paper every year, it’s clear how easy it is to accumulate an excessive amount of hard copies that end up cluttering your desk and your office.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Gilmore Services Celebrates its 60th Anniversary!
With so much experience behind us and more growth to come, we couldn’t be more honored to celebrate 60 years in business. Founded by James (Jim) Gilmore in 1955, Gilmore Services began as a residential and commercial moving and storage company. While still experts in commercial and residential moving in the Pensacola area and beyond, the company has diversified over the years to include Records Management, Document Imaging and Document Shredding.
By: Jim Beran
3 Records Management Policies Your Business Needed Yesterday
In regulated industries, such as healthcare, everyone understands the importance of confidentiality and security when it comes to records and documentation. Generally, standards for securing documents are set by state or federal law, and non-compliance can be costly. For some businesses, the potential danger, cost, and inconvenience associated with handling their own records management isn't at the top of the priority list. But it should be.
By: Jim Beran
New Year, Neat Office: Document Shredding This Year
As the first of the year rolls around, it's standard practice to form resolutions to lose weight, exercise, and get ourselves more organized and productive, so we can make the coming year even better than the last. Of course, it's also standard practice to delay or slack off after a while, letting the resolution fade away into just another wish.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Is Your Firm at The Mercy of One Misplaced Document?
High on the list of what helps businesses remain successful is proper information management. In fact, one misplaced document could put a business like a financial agency, law firm or medical practice in jeopardy. Though one lost document greatly impacting a company might sound extreme, the power of sensitive information can’t be overlooked. With so much to appreciate about a thriving business, it’s important to protect documents that, if lost, could derail an organization dramatically.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Big or Small, All Medical Practices Must Comply with HIPAA
Without fail, every year we see news headlines announcing major fines for an organization’s noncompliance.
When it comes to the healthcare industry, the major compliance requirement is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA, which addresses the security and privacy of health data and protects against the sharing of information considered to be Protected Health Information (PHI).
As medical professionals know, violations can result in civil and criminal penalties with huge fines attached.
By: Jim Beran
4 Things You Need to Know About Your Records Retention Schedule
Owning or managing a business involves more than just the big picture. With important information coming in and going out on a day-to-day basis, it can be a challenge to keep track of important documents. From hospitals to financial firms to small businesses, no organization is too big or too small for a proper records management plan.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Have Your Heard? We’re Going Box Crazy!
At Gilmore Services, we can’t get enough boxes! Whether for document storage, shredding, imaging or commercial and residential moving, boxes are an essential part of all of our services. For nearly 60 years, we have used boxes to help our customers protect and destroy their information as well as move their home or office. As our 60th anniversary is coming up in 2015, we’re celebrating by going box crazy!
By: Jim Beran
If You Think Document Storage is Only for Big Companies, Think Again
There is a common misconception that document storage is mainly applicable to large corporate businesses with a lot of sensitive information like medical practices, accounting companies or law firms.
Though these organizations do collect important personal information and have strict regulations for managing documents, the value of document storage should not be lost on small businesses. You might not run a large corporation, but you do handle handle secure information, for yourself and your customers, on a daily basis.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Can a Document Imaging Company Help Preserve Your Family History?
When we think about important documents, financial information and business records are at the top of the list. Though professional information is important, some of the most cherished records we possess have to do with our family history. Invaluable memories and genealogical information are often in the form of hard copy documents like pictures and letters. Though documents about your family history are important, and often irreplaceable, they are often left in boxes in attics, basements and closets, putting them at risk for natural disasters, damage or misplacement. Just as your family history progressed over time, so has the method of preserving your family history.
By: Jim Beran
Disasters Happen. Are Your Sensitive Documents Secure?
Businesses and homeowners know that disasters are a part of life, yet many of us still lack the proper planning to protect our sensitive documents. Like any tragic event, it’s easier to adopt an out-of-sight, out-of-mind attitude than face the possibility of a disaster affecting your home or business.
By: Jim Beran
Is Your Document Management Plan a Sham?
Most businesses have an idea of what their document management plan should look like. A reliable shredder and an organized filing system are the go-to visions of a business with a records management plan in place.
However, as many people come to find out, lack of consistency, time and organization can quickly derail a well-laid document management plan.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Are People Being Paid to Sort Through Your Trash? Don't Throw Away Your Identity
It’s no secret that there’s big money in an identity theft. Thieves and hackers can make a hefty profit from stolen personal information. Because of this, every business wants to be safe from a major identity theft issue, which could mean a drastic financial blow to a company. Many businesses know shredding is necessary to help protect their identity. For companies that collect personal information like medical practices, accounting offices and law firms, document shredding also protects the people who trust you with their information.
Like a lot of business process, implementing paper shredding services might not feel like a top priority, but it is actually one of the most beneficial and important parts of running a business. Thieves will go to no end to steal information, and your trash is not off limits.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Preparing to Move in Pensacola? Try these DIY Tips Before the Moving Company Arrives
Taking on a household move is rarely considered a pleasant pastime, yet we all do it. Many of us will be involved in multiple moves throughout our lifetime. According to the United States Census Bureau, between 2012 and 2013, 35.9 million people in the United States moved to a different residence.
By: Jim Beran
6 Ways a Document Imaging Company Can Help Create a Paperless Office
The vision of a paperless office can be alluring. Most of us think about a modern space where all information is perfectly digitized and streamlined. If your office doesn’t quite live up to this vision, don’t be discouraged.
The good thing about your goal to cut down on paper is that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Some documents might always be necessary to keep in paper form, but adopting a regular document scanning routine can dramatically increase productivity and workflow for your office.
By: Jacob Gilmore
Up Efficiency & Save Money with Records Management
With around 30 million small businesses in the United States, there is a huge need for businesses to remain compliant and organized. Many small businesses know what it means to budget wisely, especially in the early stages of the business.
Often without excess funds, small businesses today must operate most efficiently while saving money. One simple way to relieve a common burden is by working with a professional records management company. Here are some ways small businesses can improve efficiency and save money with professional document management.
By: Jacob Gilmore