4 Things to Do Before Becoming a Paperless Office
Wed, Aug 20, 2014
By: Jacob Gilmore

The idea of a paperless office is alluring. A solution that cuts down on clutter, streamlines information and reduces waste is a dream for many businesses.
If your organization is like many others, paper has had an important role so far. Making the switch to a mostly paperless office can be a big transition that can take time.
Going paperless not only means managing the information you already have, but also preparing for information you will obtain in the future. To carry out the change successfully, making a plan is the first step to toward cutting down on paper documents. Here are for things to do before becoming a paperless office:
1. Take inventory
Before making any steps, it’s important to be aware of the information you are working with first. Now is the time to go through your filled filing cabinets, storage room or basement to begin organizing documents.
2. Decide whether to scan, store or shred
When sifting through your hard copy records, it is necessary to make a plan for how to handle the information. Some documents, like legally binding contracts or paper financial records need to exist in their paper form for compliance purposes and need hard copy secure document storage.
On the other hand, some documents that are accessed on a regular basis by multiple people might be best in a digital format. When going through information, you may find outdated records that are no longer relevant to keep, which need to be shredded. Whether information needs to be scanned, physically stored or destroyed, each process helps you work toward a paperless, less cluttered office.
3. Scale down printing jobs
As your office gears up for a paperless environment, try to encourage an atmosphere of necessity when it comes to printing. Whether making printing less convenient or sharing digital alternatives to commonly printed materials, your office can cut down on excessive printing.
4. Create a scanning schedule
Once current documents are designated for storage, scanning or shredding, consider how you will take on information moving forward. Outsourcing document scanning services can keep your office on a regular scanning routine. To get started, plan to place all documents for scanning in an assigned bin for your document scanning company to pick up on a schedule that works for you.
Are you ready to cut down on paper for a more streamlined office space? At Gilmore Services, we offer document imaging, shredding and storage services to keep your business compliant and organized. Get in touch to learn more and find out the hidden costs and dangers of document self storage.